
So... Anyone on here know how to add characters now that they changed everything on us?


(Continued from previous post...)
          If ANYONE has something to say, anything at all, don't be afraid to say it DIRECTLY to me. I respect all opinions & I never go off on them. If you have a problem with my opinion then don't read my stories or have anything to do with my page. This is the last thing that I will post about that & I hope you keep it that way. Thank you & goodbye.


So... I said that I respected your opinion... I did. I even went back & looked at what I posted on your wall & my previous journal. Never once did I go off on that. What I went off on is how you worded it. F*** I didn't even go off. If you really think that was me going off you haven't seen anything & you're really young & immature. I have never singled you out in my last entry, did I give a name? No. Was it my intention to make it sound like I was singling you out? No. Will I take it down? No because that is my opinion about what you put up there. I never once asked for you to take it down. 
          What I didn't like was the way it was worded made it sound like you included ALL authors. I took a screenshot of what you had up there & I sent it to one of my friends to get their opinion on it, just to make sure I wan't reading too much into it. They said that what I thought, which was that you included ALL authors, was right. If you want to have it up there go ahead but please just word it differently. I would be more than happy to read it & give my opinion on it before you put it back up there. I just don't want other people to go to your page & think the exact same thing as me.
          That is my opinion. You got pissed off at me for just giving MY OPINION on something. Sorry but if you want to say what you said go ahead. I'm going to be the bigger person here & just leave it at this. I gave my opinion, which you went off for & said that I shouldn't do that. If you decide to go off on about this journal again then you are being hypocritical. I really don't appreciate that. If you tell someone to do something then I hope you are willing to do the same as what you said.


Can some of you just read this and tell me if you think that what I said was it was me being a bitch or me just giving an opinion on something?
          "Hey so I read your little thing about self harm. I just want you to know I don't use it for attention but to add reality to it. I have a past with self harm myself and I'm only a few days clean right now. I don't think self harm is romantic or anything like that. I want to use it to add to the story and show people, that do self harm and don't, can go to others for help if they feel down. Going through that makes a person stronger. I now for a fact because there have been times that I would have overdosed or died if it weren't for my friends or self harm. I view my scars as something positive and something that shows what I've gone through. The character Clarissa in "Angel on Our Shoulders" is based off me. The chapter where she talks about how she views her scars is exactly how I view mine. Please don't group all of the authors that have self harm in their stories into the same group as it's "tragically romantic""


Okay so I just need to go off for a minute. On someone's page, not naming names or anything, I saw that they thought all of the authors who included self harm in their stories should basically be ashamed of themselves for portraying it as "tragically romantic". I for one am NOT one of those people. I don't view it as that and will NEVER portray it as that in my stories.
          I just want all of you to know that I don't use it for attention but to add reality to it. I have a past with self harm myself and I'm only a few days clean right now. I want to use it to add to the story and show people, that do self harm and don't, can go to others for help if they feel down. Going through that makes a person stronger. I know for a fact because there have been times that I would have overdosed or died if it weren't for my friends or self harm. I view my scars as something positive and something that shows what I've gone through.
          The character Clarissa in "Angel on Our Shoulders" is based off me. The chapter where she talks about how she views her scars is exactly how I view mine. Please don't group all of the authors that have self harm in their stories into the same group as it's "tragically romantic".
          So to you who's page I saw that little bit on, you should know who are by now, I respect your opinion but you need to think before you say that we should be ashamed because of the influence we set on younger minds. My stories are not finished yet and no where near being done. It's stupid of you to think that and I'm sorry if I sound like a bitch. It honestly pissed me off that you think all authors are the same when it comes to self harm in their stories. People will use self harm to add depth. It is about being a writer, planning ahead, creating more of a plot, developing a character, etc. I hope you change your opinion and realize not everyone is the same.


Hey guys! I have just over a month to read at least 1,000 pages and do all of the work required for summer reading. I can't promise when I'll be updating next but I can try to when I'm at work one day next week.