
Hello! I am so bored. It is currently 4:30 am in the morning. I need to wake up' at 7 and I am dead. I can't seem to fall asleep though. So being dumb, I decided to open my laptop. Anywho, stay safe y'all!
          	I guess I never posted this morning. For some reason, I'm deciding to post it now.


Hello! I am so bored. It is currently 4:30 am in the morning. I need to wake up' at 7 and I am dead. I can't seem to fall asleep though. So being dumb, I decided to open my laptop. Anywho, stay safe y'all!
          I guess I never posted this morning. For some reason, I'm deciding to post it now.


Thanks so much for adding Untangling a Future to your reading list! I hope you are enjoying it so far! Definitely let me know what you think :)


Thank you so much! That is so kind! ❤️❤️ I’m sure you’ve seen I post pretty regularly, but feel free to add to your reading list or give me a follow so you don’t miss any updates. There’s gonna be some chapters I’m really excited about coming soon!


@abbystender I love it! You are SUCH A GOOD WRITER! 