
New E&B chapter up now.  Almost 4.5k words.  Nobody hate me at the end of it lol.  Also, I will be leaving next weekend to begin my week long vacation, so although my goal rn is updating every two weeks, it may be longer with the vacation smack in the middle.  BUT IM GOING TO DISNEY SO I DON'T CARE LOL.  It's my 10th time I think (or 9th) going but im still so damn excited!


New E&B chapter up now.  Almost 4.5k words.  Nobody hate me at the end of it lol.  Also, I will be leaving next weekend to begin my week long vacation, so although my goal rn is updating every two weeks, it may be longer with the vacation smack in the middle.  BUT IM GOING TO DISNEY SO I DON'T CARE LOL.  It's my 10th time I think (or 9th) going but im still so damn excited!


Almost done with the next E&B chapter.  My plan is to upload it next weekend.  Slowly getting back into the swing of things but still juggling work.  I've also been reading way too much ff on a03 and on here that's been keeping me occupied soooooooooooooooo


The new E&B chapter is now up!  Roughly 3.2k words so another bit of a longer chapter.  As I mentioned before about two weeks ago, I'm not wholly happy with how the chapter turned out, but I think that's because it's mostly filler to connect the last chapter to the one after this one coming.  We are heading into some action, just a heads up!  Will make an announcement once I get a better idea on when the next chapter will be out.


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Was planning to try and get the next chapter out today but that doesn't look likely rn.  Hopefully will have it up this week instead.  We were snowed in for almost a week (south louisiana here and was tripping over the amount of snow) and was out of work.  But my body decided this was the perfect time for an insomnia cycle and to try and give me sleep paralysis when I did fall asleep.  So yea been fucked sleeping wise that I haven't been waking up for work for 9 days (weekends and then out for a week).  So the next chapter may be shotty honestly, but I'm trying  


After final edits, the new E&B chapter is a little over 3.3k words.  I'm pleasantly surprised it's over my normal average for the book around 2-2.5k.  And that was with me cutting stuff out, that I may end up adding back and editing the series once it's finished.  Hopefully I'll have another chapter ready to go before the end of the month.


Just popping in here to say I have about half of the next E&B chapter completed.  It's been slow progress between me dealing with the grief of family members passing and the bustle of my job that keeps me busy, but I've had last week and this week off from work for the holidays and finally sat down feeling some motivation to write returning.  Hope to have it done and up soon