
Thanks to all of the people who liked my stories. I honestly thought no one would like them because I'm still an amateur. I may not be able to update much but I will do my best to do the next chapters even if they are a little OC, okay maybe a lot but look forward to it!


Lets just hope you'll come back  i really like the breeding love series and im not prepared for the end


@Mayonakaokami same I really really want to know what happens next!!!


Believe it or not I've read the breeding love series more than 10x now that's how obsessed and being patient i am


Huan Huan notices you from afar and hurries over before you leave his sight, "Missy, my Master wanted me to thank you! I'm Huan Huan, but you can call me whatever you like." He smiles at you and takes your delicate hand in his, "My Master says that without you, a 'Fan' I wouldn't have been created. This is why I wanted to thank you. WIthout you, I would never have met my sweet darling tofu." With a peck to your forehead, he walks away before you can respond.
          Do you like Chinese BL? I'm currently reading LMW! I just caught up to updates!(took about two weeks! SO LONG! But WORTH IT!)
          Haha, do you know it? "The Legendary Master's Wife"? It's a great one. There are 333 chapters, the 334th one coming out today but it's actually MICH longer. It'll probably be translating still for another ten years or so... if all goes well.
          ~Mik, author of "The Deceased God's Spirit World Miss" and the spin off "Hidden Schemes" +

          This is written by my classmate in highschool, it's been so long since 'they' had updated this story :"(. Honestly, this was nicely written, full of fluff and love (the kind of stuff that I'll never get tired of).
          The first time I read this was, way back in 2014/15 I think, at that time 'they' were only using a pencil and paper to write the whole story (it was 'their' draft version of sorts), 'they' were so amazing. I don't know what happened to 'them', we haven't seen each other for these past years. I guess they were just too busy, it's understandable since 'they' are so focused in their chosen college course. 
          Hopefully, they'll be back soon. Let's just hope for the best.
          //I used 'them'  as pronouns because I'm not sure if I'm allowed to mention their real genders in here. + this person was one of the reason why I became a proud Yaoi fan, I owe every rainbow craps to this lovely person+