
1 - Hi everyone. So, I thought I’d give a warning as a lot of you would probably be confused when it happens if I didn’t. To focus on actually getting my stories finished and stop creating new ones that I’ll probably forget about in like a week, I’m going to be unpublishing all of my stories! For those that are worried, please don’t be, I’ll be putting them all back up eventually (aside from ones that I’m really not happy with), but all of them need severe editing and won’t be up again until I have all the chapters written this time. 
          This is how I’ll be writing them from now on. You can read them all in one go instead of waiting for me to take ages to update. As-well as this, each of them are going to be severely shorter to help me get them done quicker and keep me motivated, but I’ll be publishing several other stories/oneshots set in the same universe for each of the stories I have already started, such as backstories or other little ideas I’d like to write.
          As for now, I’m going to be writing The Summer Before Boarding School again, until it’s finished, but it will also be shortened down in this new version. The max it will be is 12 chapters, but the chapters are going to be much longer to make up for that. For those that have already started reading it, I’m going to do prequel/sequel oneshots/short stories as-well, such as when the boys first started school, how James met Noah, when Gisanda started dating, etc-


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            2 - As a side note, there are some stories I’m going to permanently keep down, for the following reasons: 
            - My TNS: This book was meant to be a compilation of my headcanons and incorrect quotes, but most of those have changed over time and the structure of this book was a complete mess. 
            - I’ve Gotta Let You Go + Screw this Shit! We’re Going To Be Actual Teenagers: Both of these really just became sort of mature rewrites of random seasons, which I’m already planning on my other account for a complete mature rewrite of the show. So, there’s really no point of them existing. 
            - Majority of my oneshots: All of these were really just random ideas I had that I feel like I did pretty poorly. So, I’ll upload a few of them again, but they’ll be a part of a collection most likely, instead of their own book. 
            Still, I had ideas for a good few of these stories, so I am still going to use them, but as completely different books. That’s all for now, but I’ll post more updates about it soon. 