Hello everyone,
I was going over older drafts and I stumbled upon an old document, with names of characters I would write about someday. Be it the oldest dreadnought still in service of the Imperium, Khalon. To good old Aster Crohne, the most stubborn and most iron willed blood angel to ever exist. Or Debeeran, one of the most interesting custodes in my opinion(the fact that he is the most polite of all of them,despite being able to fight multiple greater daemons by himself). Yet the characters I mentioned were forgotten by the writers, yet considering the next character I am going to mention which I had a draft for, it might be the best.
Calas has the same problem as Ahriman, they are pre heresy genuinely good people, with no major flaws that could be exploited to lead to chaos. With Ahriman at least, one can make the ‘argument’ that after prospero, he would sell his soul to chaos...despite knowing it was the reason to his suffering…despite that Chaos wishing to KILL Ahriman due to being more pure hearted than a Grey knight and being deemed by the Four as a threat to their plans( source: Magnus the Red: Master of Prospero), but then he became a mustache twirling villain, but at least with Ahriman, you can make the ‘argument'
With Calas, you cannot that argument
Calas Typhon, or you as may know better, Typhus, due to his fall to Nurgle, but I prefer to call him Chekhov's gun given human form. The problem is that the background they gave him , set him up to be one a hardcore loyalist(or the very least, hate Mortarion's guts). But now then, why do I think that?
there is so many reasons, that I wrote an entire document in my zeal explaining it:
But in a nutshell, A story for the TRUE Calas had been added to my works in progress.