I hope you are well and healthy!❤️ I just wanted to say that I absolutely love your Already Sinned: Remus Lupin fanfic! It's amazing, spectacular, phenomenal, story. I love the characters and how you've depicted the characters! I especially love Kitty she's so sweet as well as being a badass, and Elijah! Ah! He's just a precious wholesome bundle of joy and ugh, he's just so awesome that I don't have enough words to fathom how I feel. (I know it feels like I'm being very dramatic, but I assure you it's the truth (◠‿◕)
Anyways, I hope you continue writing! I can't wait for the next update! Obviously, don't feel like you need to update, take your time and take care of yourself! And finally, I hope you have a great day/afternoon/evening/night and or weekend, depending upon when you read this :)
Yours sincerely, Eira. A fan