
Hey queens, not gonna be super active on here because I’m not supposed to have it. I’ll try to be in as much as possible tho. Love you all!!


i made my own account but dont say anything on pin so my brother doesnt see it


@joemommasmells69 um idrk just specifically bout wp for sure


Don’t say anything at all, or just about wattpad?


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gabby i feel fucking terrible. im so sorry i love you so much and i didn't think to how much i would be affecting you and the people around me i just needed an end. i really hope you will forgive me someday but until then i will apoligise every day. i love you so much


this message may be offensive
You don’t need to apologize. I forgive you Audrey. I was never angry at you. I’m so fucking relieved when I saw you write in my board. I love you so much. I understand the feeling of needing to end it. If circumstances were different for me, I would have already done it, so I get it. I love you so so much. Please talk to me if you ever feel like this. I followed you on pin but idk if you have me added back. 


hey gabby, it’s been a while! how are you holding up with vicky and auds?


I’m actually not doing great. Audrey hasn’t responded to anything in over a day which is very unlike her so that makes me think she actually did something and was successful. I’m terrified