Awesome. A writer. A reader. Team Internet. A professional fangirl. A happy ending believer. Grey. Beckham. Hoechlin. O'Brien. #SterekHobrien
  • Wandering.
  • IscrittoApril 10, 2015

Ultimo messaggio
johaaaaann johaaaaann Aug 03, 2015 12:05PM
Hey guys!So... I haven't updated in weeks... months...? I forgot. I'm sorry for not updating any of my stories.School just started and I've been trying to adjust so yeah but I'm back and I'll try t...
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Storie di Johann
The Adventures of Skittles di johaaaaann
The Adventures of Skittles
The Adventures of Skittles "Your name is Skittles?" He asked with a smirk making me want to slap i...
Love in Waiting di johaaaaann
Love in Waiting
"The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone." It's fine to wake up alone but to wake up ins...
Journal Entries di johaaaaann
Journal Entries
Hello! What's up, guys? This is really not a story. This is a journal. You can read it if you want but if you...
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