cześć! just wanted to pop by and say hello! how are you?
@ THELOVEGONEBAD- I see ^^ Yeah I love the spring, the sun and all the plants and scents make me happy. That's nice to hear someone to love all the seasons equally. :D The summer always been my favorite when I was younger, now I'm not sure but yeah, every season has something!
@johaita4679 autumn where i live is usually around 23℃ as a high to 7℃ as the low so its not really that bad, i'm at school currently (its lunch break) and its been raining all day so its been awful getting to all my classes! it must be lovely to have spring, although i really do love all the seasons equally! xxx
@ THELOVEGONEBAD- Haha that's okay, I was waiting patiently for the reply :D How hot is in the autumn where you live? I have spring now and luckily it's sunny and warm for some days ^^ Have a great day too!