
Hi everyone! I hope you are all doing well! Especially to my Food Court family which I missed so dearly. 
          	I... don't know why or what made me want to post this. Maybe it's because I've been stressed? Depressed lately? I'm at that point where I really don't know what to do and I feel useless. Useless because I don't know how to help Rev anymore. 
          	There are days when I see him suffer and cry and I prayed to God for Him to take away the pain. It went to the point where I would tell Him that if it is time to go, at least Rev wouldn't suffer. We have been in and out of the hospital since August. Now it has come to the point where he is just completely out of it. He doesn't notice the things he does and what he needs to do. He forgets things. He even forgot where our daughter, Arya was (she is with grandma, no worries). 
          	Now this morning, I realized he screwed up big time with his Peritoneal Dialysis where he may have possibly did it 3x in an hour or two. I was dead asleep that I never noticed till I woke up this morning. 
          	I just honestly don't know what to do anymore. I'm tired of crying even though I still am. I'm just so freaking tired already and I wish there was a way for me to help him.
          	I'm sorry guys. I just really needed to rant. I rarely talked to anyone about this and I just usually keep it to myself. 


@joharateregeyo omg Johara I'm so so sorry :'(
          	  I don't know how I missed this announcement.
          	  Talk to me, girl!


Hi everyone! I hope you are all doing well! Especially to my Food Court family which I missed so dearly. 
          I... don't know why or what made me want to post this. Maybe it's because I've been stressed? Depressed lately? I'm at that point where I really don't know what to do and I feel useless. Useless because I don't know how to help Rev anymore. 
          There are days when I see him suffer and cry and I prayed to God for Him to take away the pain. It went to the point where I would tell Him that if it is time to go, at least Rev wouldn't suffer. We have been in and out of the hospital since August. Now it has come to the point where he is just completely out of it. He doesn't notice the things he does and what he needs to do. He forgets things. He even forgot where our daughter, Arya was (she is with grandma, no worries). 
          Now this morning, I realized he screwed up big time with his Peritoneal Dialysis where he may have possibly did it 3x in an hour or two. I was dead asleep that I never noticed till I woke up this morning. 
          I just honestly don't know what to do anymore. I'm tired of crying even though I still am. I'm just so freaking tired already and I wish there was a way for me to help him.
          I'm sorry guys. I just really needed to rant. I rarely talked to anyone about this and I just usually keep it to myself. 


@joharateregeyo omg Johara I'm so so sorry :'(
            I don't know how I missed this announcement.
            Talk to me, girl!


How're you? 


@joharateregeyo Awww... No worries. I'm here to talk if you want ❤️


@Shreya_VA yea :( a lot of things have been happening here. Sorry to worry you. 




@joharateregeyo I'm good as well. What got you stressed?


@absolutely_noone I'm doing pretty good! Stressed but good! And you?hope your side of the world is doing fine


Positivity chain!
          If you get this you have to publicly state five things you like about yourself and send this to ten of your favourite followers :)


@joharateregeyo including the announcements haha, I'm not that popular XD


@joharateregeyo lmao, when you have that long break and come back to millions of notifications haha


One problem after another :( I love how Wattpad is a place where I can relieve my stress, but because of issues at home, I can barely write stories, read, and chat with friends. Until now, my husband's been throwing up and we are still trying to save up for his kidney transplant. :( I honestly don't know what to do anymore. I'm at lost and all I've been doing is crying.


@LadySapphire2018 Hi Lady. Rev got admitted to the hospital again :( Were here right now.


@joharateregeyo aww. *hugs you tightly* :'(
            I hope Rev gets better soon. It's scary, I know. Hang in there, Jo. You are so strong. I wish someone there can lend you a hand. I wish I was beside you ❤