random wirdo who likes homestuck fanfics and a lot of other things like
tokyo ghoul
fairy tail
food wars
dramtical murder
soul eater
and so many more if you would like to talk to me you can do so by the conversations thing or finding my email witch is aislynna6@gmail.com
but other then the fandoms I'm in I am gender fluid and I'm bi I absalutly love me girlfriend ariana I'm 13 going on 14 my birthday is augest 2 and I will be 14 hurray!
well hope you like this my fanfics might be mine or my sisters but ether way it might be good bye.
  • eugen orgon
  • SumaliMay 13, 2016

Huling Mensahe
johnegburt413 johnegburt413 Jun 01, 2016 04:08AM
Yo humans I have read weird things but nothing compaerd to what im writing check it out if you get the chance plz
Tingnan ang lahat ng mga usapan

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Red And Blue
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