I've been thinking about this for a bit but I think I'll continue writing again and republish some of my old work while rewriting and creating new fics for you guys:) if there was anything you had personally liked reading please let me know what it was you liked and if theres anything different you'd like to see in that fic, either it be a change in plot, Y/N's personality, or whatever I'd really appreciate you letting me know so I can improve my writing for you guys and myself. If you guys would like to make a request for me to write I'll gladly do so, I'll even put up a "request book" or something like that to just kinda show what games, books and movies I've enjoyed enough to consider writing for, so I'll likely put that out in case any of you guys share an interest in things other than Mortal Kombat with me:) I do apologize for the long break I've taken from writing along with taking down all of my work temporarily or permanently, I haven't been motivated nor has my mind been in the right place lately. I do hope some or at least one of you guys will request something for me to write about because if I come up with something of my own it may get sloppy or the plot will stop making sense at some point. Sorry for the long message!