
Thanks for becoming a fan of me! Thanks, Thanks, Thanks. Hmm I have nothing else to say, so I'll just say thanks agan. Thanks. And get out of your way. see you around ( In wattpadd, not around like in person because I'm not a stalker or something [ laughs nerviously] hahaha ... Cough cough... Ha. I'm going to stop now. (Stops Now) goodbye broken egg :D I say that in the nicest way okay stopping now..Now.
          -Vanessa (:])-><


Hi, i write a story called the Queen of Raviena. I was just wondering if you would mind reading it. Its about a Princess called Melanie who marries the heir to the throne. But they have nothing in common and she really doesn't get on with him so she becomes really good friends with his cousin Marcus. Its a romance. So please check it out. 
          Thanks, From Shade xxxxx


Hey, no I didn't finish it. I got over the whole Vamp thing real quick. I wasn't into writing it the way it was. That aside, I've had some wicked Ideas for it. Same characters and all, but a trilogy and it will be properly planned out and written when, and if, I ever get the time. But that won't be for a cery long while. And currently, writing is at the bottom of my things-to-do list.
          I'm sorry if you were looking forward to more. You were one of the very few who actually noticed it was missing =P


          i wuldd thankk you frum the bottom of my heartt, but for you my heartt has no bottom :) 
          meaninqq :: thankk u for becominqq my fan! i wuld hav sentt this before, but i never had the time :) ndd i need to thankk my fans for becominqq a fan! you rockk! 
          luv yah! not likk that...but u know watt i mean!!! but seriously, you made my day!! 