
Good evening everyone. If any of you are wondering why I haven’t posted an update to House of Cards in a few months, it’s because I’ve created a new fic on AO3. If you have AO3 I would love if you went to check it out. The reason for the change is that I just prefer the formatting and Wattpad, I feel, would be better for me if I really wanted to go somewhere with my stories. This site is more of a place for my original stories where I can freely do what I want and perhaps one day I’ll get noticed and blow up. But I simply won’t do that writing unOrdinary fanfics. So, I’ve been writing a new story with some similar aspects to House of Cards, but on AO3.


Uhh.. Whats AO3? I’m new to this site and all


Alright thanks


¿Por qué eliminaste tu fic sobre "House of Cards" y "What if? UnOrdinary"


@Market30 Sorry, man, Idk what to say. I'm the author, I didn't like the old fics, I wanted to start fresh. Not much else to it. I'd repost them, but they're gone now, nothing I can do about it.


Eso no es excusa suficiente. Habemos varios a los que nos gustó esos fics, y eliminarlos luego de dejarlos en suspenso es una falta de respeto a todos los lectores.


@Market30 I wasn't satisfied with them anymore, so I decided to replace them with my fic from AO3


Good evening everyone. If any of you are wondering why I haven’t posted an update to House of Cards in a few months, it’s because I’ve created a new fic on AO3. If you have AO3 I would love if you went to check it out. The reason for the change is that I just prefer the formatting and Wattpad, I feel, would be better for me if I really wanted to go somewhere with my stories. This site is more of a place for my original stories where I can freely do what I want and perhaps one day I’ll get noticed and blow up. But I simply won’t do that writing unOrdinary fanfics. So, I’ve been writing a new story with some similar aspects to House of Cards, but on AO3.


Uhh.. Whats AO3? I’m new to this site and all


Alright thanks


I hope you all enjoy the emotional roller-coaster that is the most recent chapter of House of Cards. After I finish the next chapter (where all I'll say is that we finally get to see Adrion and Claire again), I'm going to take a short break and do some short one-shot stories based around unOrdinary.


So, ignore that last announcement. I’ve since changed my mind about things. I’ve now decided to delete my previous stories. I am going to change things up and reboot unTOUCHABLE! I’ve always felt it was too short and badly written and I feel I’ve improved since then, so I’m doing it again. Working on the revamped version now! 


Hello! I am here to announce that I’m Not the Monster shall begin its first hiatus so I can write more episodes. It will return next week.


@doctor_SHIELD Don't worry. I'm not going on hiatus because it's too much for me, I'm on vacation rn and have nothing to do, so I just write of Wattpad. I'm only going on hiatus because I'm trying to publish a chapter everyday, but Chapter 6 isn't done yet lol.


@johnwithglasses That's all right with me and for everyone! Take all the time you need!


Oh yeah, just so you guys know, don’t expect much of Blyke, Isen or Remi in I’m Not the Monster. This story’s main characters are John and Seraphina. The events that happen to them are the only ones that will be seen. Other characters will make appearances, but their perspectives on things won’t be as prominent. Figured I’d just let you all know, in case you weren’t sure who to expect at the forefront.


I just wanted to say, I am very excited for you all to see what I’ve written so far in I’m Not the Monster. At the moment, a lot of the events are exactly the same as unORDINARY, but that will only last for the first three to five chapters. I have a lot of ideas for this and I’m excited to publish them. 
          I’ve come here to announce that I’ve decided to move up the first chapter to publish today. Enjoy reading!