I spend a lot of my time here a couple years back complaining about how some fics on here were “cringey” or “bad” or whatever but looking back I can definitely tell that I was the one in the wrong. So what if a fic is bad? The author spent time and effort writing about something they care about, and at the very least they don’t deserve hate comments for it.
Gods, me too. I’m a big grammar freak and I can’t *stand* it when someone maybe misses a comma, let alone a *WHOLE* paragraph that doesn’t sound... *right.* But hey! They put their works out in the world, and people out there *do* enjoy it. So it might not be my cup of tea; but I shouldn’t leave hate on it. Unless it a bad controversial topic like racism and homophobia; then I will bombard the hate. Sorry for this mini ramble! Hope you have a good day!