
Chapter 17 of The Will of The Force is posted! Also, chapter 1 of my new story, Agency Underground is posted as well so if you'd like you can check it out! (It's not a fan fic either! Haha). Make sure to comment on chapters you read it really motivates me to make changes or just keep going in general I really appreciate it! ❤️


Chapter 17 of The Will of The Force is posted! Also, chapter 1 of my new story, Agency Underground is posted as well so if you'd like you can check it out! (It's not a fan fic either! Haha). Make sure to comment on chapters you read it really motivates me to make changes or just keep going in general I really appreciate it! ❤️


People so I know I've been saying I'm gonna start again and I never do well this time it's for real lol as always. No seriously I'm already working on my next chapter and it should be posted hopefully by Thursday/Friday if school goes fine I promise! It's long awaited


Hi everyone! :) I have to say that it's taking me a while to publish chapter 14 of The Will of The Force. I have writers block on where I should take these clones and I haven't settled on an idea. Please bear with me though it'll definitely be released within the next couple days! Thanks for continuing to read! Who would you like to see at some point in the story??