
i love you. deeply. but you could never catch a clue. i wanted to talk to you more but tomorrow is another day. i know you’re not like this with your lover which im happy about. though she is more important. in all areas. 


this girl deserves everything <3


@joonies-angel ,
            too late *evil laughs*


absolutely not 


@taes-babygirl ,
            * slams uno reverse card *


you don’t have too answer this cause you’re taking a break but i just wanted to say that i love you and i care so much for you. you mean a ton to me so some things kinda get to me more when it comes to you. and im sorry cause there’s a lot of times where i get emotionally invested into my characters and i pull stuff on you. and im sorry for that. my biggest fear is that one day you’ll get tired of me. and i don’t want that at all. im scared of loosing you, truly am. i don’t know if you’ll ever see this but you know it’s you.


this message may be offensive
i honestly fucking hate this shot. i hate how much i actually care about. i hate how much time i give you. i hate how im emotionally invested into our relationship yet it feels one sided. i hate how im the one who’s always in my feelings. i hate how many times you’ve fucking made me cry. i hate how i would literally drop everything just to talk to you. i hate you how much this hurts and you don’t even know the half of it. i hate myself. i hate emotional i am and how when i speak my mind, it’s fucking wrong. i hate how im always the sorry one. i hate it. i fucking hate it. but it’s whatever. my feelings are just whatever. and ill most likely just delete this tomorrow. and no one will ever know. they never do. especially not the one this is for. 


me and my typos, lord. 