
this message may be offensive
Has anyone ever really just looked at their Wattpad profile and thought it's been so long I forgot I was interested in these kinds of books and you're like looking over your reading lists! I'm looking at my profile and reading lists and I'm just like *HUGE WAVE OF EMO MEMORIES COMES FLOODING BACK!* And like holy shit!


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Has anyone ever really just looked at their Wattpad profile and thought it's been so long I forgot I was interested in these kinds of books and you're like looking over your reading lists! I'm looking at my profile and reading lists and I'm just like *HUGE WAVE OF EMO MEMORIES COMES FLOODING BACK!* And like holy shit!


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IM ALIVE! IM NOT DEAD! WOOOO! Anyway sorry to keep you waiting. It's just there's a lot of drama in school and a lot of work. Homeroom teacher might get fired sooner or later idk. But I'm glad cause she said if we don't like her teaching skills then she guesses that the school we're going to isn't the school for us so we can just leave. CAN YOU BELIVE THAT?!?!?! HELL NO! So all the parents from grades 6-8 are having meetings about her. And a kid got a detention for the stupidest thing.,...FOR DEFENDING HIS LITTLE SISTER (there's triplets and the oldest he defended his younger sister) and he didn't serve detention and even if they forced him UO they would've called the cops cause that's basically holding a kid hostage. Anyway. A LOT OF SHIT HAS GONE DOWN! I will try and upload more. I've been getting into writing a lot. Don't know why. But I've tried working on a book that I want to publish (not on here ) but yea! I gotta go to bed. It's currently  Wednesday October, 11, 12:20 AM rn and I got school tomorrow  UGGGGGGGGGHHHH anyway NIGHT!!