
@MsRomanc3 lol ok ok I'm sorry! I'll get to it as soon as I can "mom" (laughing). I just got home from a week-long trip with my church and in order to use the internet I had to pay $10 a day. I have a ton of school work to catch up on now (mostly just reading the Great Gatsby and answer questions, journals, character descriptions blah blah blah :'( ), but I will most definitely try to hurry myself along. 


@MsRomanc3 lol ok ok I'm sorry! I'll get to it as soon as I can "mom" (laughing). I just got home from a week-long trip with my church and in order to use the internet I had to pay $10 a day. I have a ton of school work to catch up on now (mostly just reading the Great Gatsby and answer questions, journals, character descriptions blah blah blah :'( ), but I will most definitely try to hurry myself along. 


(Motherly voice) How come your stories aren't updated? Huh! Young lady, you can not get off of the computer until you finish your, oh so lovely stories! Do I make myself clear?! :)


@24hrsoflife Hey, it's me, DreamingLove17. I can't been able to log back into my account, but I'm here. Sorry we haven't talked in a while...if you even remember me :)