
to anyone whose ever lost a parent, i feel you.
          	anyone ever need to talk, i'm always here


does anyone ever get tired of the stereotype for girls in books? big boobs, big thighs, “ curvy for her size” like i’ve never read the book where a girl has a smaller body type, not size or waist but breasts and a smaller butt. it seems they always have to make the girl petite but has large than life body types. idk that’s just my thought, i feel like every book i read, i can’t relate to the girl. 


my new favorite book is the truth about heartbreak by B. Celeste and i read the sequel thinking it was going to be as good. TOTALLY RUINED THE BOOKS FOR ME! Spoilers ahead! it's not bad and written well, and it's not the age gap that bothers me, it's CHARLIE! i'm so disappointed in her character. i hate the way she was written and how her and ollie being together ruined everett and oliver's friendship. and i wish river and everett didn't adopt charlie. i can't express how upset i am about this book and how it ruined the characters for me. and no hate to B. Celeste because the books are great I just hated the sequel,  if that makes sense. i just- UGH i can't read them now because all i'll think about is how in the future some girl is going to ruin their relationship. and i love oliver, i do. but 16! SHE WAS 16! how in any universe is that okay? like come on it wouldn't bother me if she was 18 but, i'm so mad. okok rant over. sorry