girl u need to meet my cousins they either hate the fact that im taller than them or make fun of me for being shorter and by make fun of me i mean call me cute and's only weird cause we're cousins and ive plenty more awkward family stories where that came from, once we got a new student and she told me that she thought i was a teacher because of the way i was "built" (guessing that means my height and wide hips and larger feet for the average girl my age but, okay) and once in the fourth grade you remember that teacher ms.pinto or something well once she was the sub for library and michael and i were next to eachother on the computers and she looked at us and was like "wait are you guys supposed to e in this class?" we say yes and she's all "are u sure?" i calmly nod my head yes and think to myself, nooo, were not suppose to e here, yea we don't know our own age... really? she's like "oh wow i thought u guys were like middle schoolers (that was when i was in the fourth grade let's remember so it does'nt bother me now) but michael was ticked! XP