
Hey guys. I’m sorry for being gone for so long. My sister passed away. She was 16. I’m okay but I’m not. I would like to pick this book back up but it’s been difficult. I’ve lost inspiration and have writers block so if there’s a scenario you would like played out feel free to leave a suggestion. I’m all ears 


this message may be offensive
@jordyn_luv I know no amount of condolences and sorry will make you feel better but know that's God's there and everything happens for a reason. I don't know you personally or your sister but I know loosing a member of the family ain't easy. I don't know how she died but just know she's no longer in pain and I would like to say she's in a better place but then again me being my truthful self won't say anything mean. Please just ignore the, I don't even know why I even wrote that but anyway it isn't the end. A daughter, sister, granddaughter, cousin, friend, student and acquaintance was lost that is unreplaceable. And the when you come to realization that you'll never hear their voice eventhough they annoyed the shit out of toy or their face that you have seen countless times, their nagging, them just being greedy for your food or when they didn't give you a bite of their food and more comes to an end. I hope I'm not making you emotional then you already are cause if I did my bad I'm just not the nicest person out there.
          	  Again I hope I didn't sound mean, I was just being truthful. Also the main reason people  don't like me and refrain to be my friend but I can't help myself. I just straight up tell you what comes to mind without even thinking it. Even my family don't like me cause of that, I'm just naturally truthful and not mean like people say.
          	  And then again I'm also mean without knowing it, it just comes out and I can't help myself.
          	  Please ignore this like I should've ignored telling my cousin how her son ain't shit. No I didn't cuss a child out but for real he ain't shit, that nigglet is 2 almost three in a few months and he is the spoilest child I have ever seen, like he will yell your ears if you tell him no. He bites like a little dog and those be leaving bruises behind. I'm just happy I don't have on, these rats.


Hi Jordyn, I literally come to this post to comment all the time but I always leave because I don’t know what to say. I don’t know how you feel and there aren’t any words that I feel I can say to alleviate your pain but I’m sending you and your family lots and lots of love. Please look after yourselves and you come back to writing when you’re fully ready to write again. My condolences and may your sister rest in perfect peace ❤️ 


Hey guys. I’m sorry for being gone for so long. My sister passed away. She was 16. I’m okay but I’m not. I would like to pick this book back up but it’s been difficult. I’ve lost inspiration and have writers block so if there’s a scenario you would like played out feel free to leave a suggestion. I’m all ears 


this message may be offensive
@jordyn_luv I know no amount of condolences and sorry will make you feel better but know that's God's there and everything happens for a reason. I don't know you personally or your sister but I know loosing a member of the family ain't easy. I don't know how she died but just know she's no longer in pain and I would like to say she's in a better place but then again me being my truthful self won't say anything mean. Please just ignore the, I don't even know why I even wrote that but anyway it isn't the end. A daughter, sister, granddaughter, cousin, friend, student and acquaintance was lost that is unreplaceable. And the when you come to realization that you'll never hear their voice eventhough they annoyed the shit out of toy or their face that you have seen countless times, their nagging, them just being greedy for your food or when they didn't give you a bite of their food and more comes to an end. I hope I'm not making you emotional then you already are cause if I did my bad I'm just not the nicest person out there.
            Again I hope I didn't sound mean, I was just being truthful. Also the main reason people  don't like me and refrain to be my friend but I can't help myself. I just straight up tell you what comes to mind without even thinking it. Even my family don't like me cause of that, I'm just naturally truthful and not mean like people say.
            And then again I'm also mean without knowing it, it just comes out and I can't help myself.
            Please ignore this like I should've ignored telling my cousin how her son ain't shit. No I didn't cuss a child out but for real he ain't shit, that nigglet is 2 almost three in a few months and he is the spoilest child I have ever seen, like he will yell your ears if you tell him no. He bites like a little dog and those be leaving bruises behind. I'm just happy I don't have on, these rats.


Hi Jordyn, I literally come to this post to comment all the time but I always leave because I don’t know what to say. I don’t know how you feel and there aren’t any words that I feel I can say to alleviate your pain but I’m sending you and your family lots and lots of love. Please look after yourselves and you come back to writing when you’re fully ready to write again. My condolences and may your sister rest in perfect peace ❤️ 


I woke up ready to read more! I love it. Idk why I love when the love interest acts Uninterested  pleas update thank you 


How you been? Not trying to rush you lol 


@Szamebabyy literally same!! And thank youuuuuu I’m updating today in two hours!