
I hope everyone knows that I'm not that perky little nine year old who didn't care what anyone thought anymore. Now I'm almost 12, almost in 7 th grade, and care about what everyone thinks of me. My writing will be different now. I will not be known as Jordan Amaze. I Wil just be known as Jordan. Yes, I obviously still love the shaytards, and girl meets world, and all those things. That hasn't changed. I still am a freak for YouTube. But I am not nine anymore. I changed a lot since 4th grade. 


I hope everyone knows that I'm not that perky little nine year old who didn't care what anyone thought anymore. Now I'm almost 12, almost in 7 th grade, and care about what everyone thinks of me. My writing will be different now. I will not be known as Jordan Amaze. I Wil just be known as Jordan. Yes, I obviously still love the shaytards, and girl meets world, and all those things. That hasn't changed. I still am a freak for YouTube. But I am not nine anymore. I changed a lot since 4th grade. 


Update Schedule:
          I know I'm hurt
          Twitter Tard
          A Disney secret
          The twin in me
          Cancer Tard
          Its all to much
          Let me be me
          Its just the girl next door
          See unfamiliar books? Well, Those are the new books coming out this week! There is still more to come!