
Bum bum bum buda budam
          A duck walked up to a lemonade stand an he said to the man, running the stand: HEY bum bum bum got any grapes?
          The man said no we just sell lemonade, but it's cold and it's fresh and it's all home made. Can i get u a glass?
          The duck said i'll pass.
          Then he waddled away
          Waddel waddel 
          Till the very next day
          The duck walked up to a lemonade stand an he said to the man, running the stand: HEY bum bum bum got any grapes?
          The man said no like i said yesterday, we just sell lemonade............
          (Insert the rest here to lazy to type xD)


@JurassicPork bum bum bum buda budam