
Just noticed i have 19 followers
          	Thats pretty cool i guess
          	(But seriously tho thanks yall really appreciate you guys reading my trash)


Hey, i saw you added my story to your reading list, do you have any requests you would like to make?


@josukejunk hey sorry for my late absence i've had a cold plus been sort of busy over the holidays  if your still doing requests i have a braig one it can be a nwfw one if you can write it when you have time i meant ask you before


My life has been a wreck, but i want to hear about yours, how is your christmas going to be? Also if you followed me for my stories, i regret to inform you that i may not have any new ones till next summer, for my main ipod was taken until then due to me getting suspended from school. I am currently using a 4th gen ipod and it isnt great and since i write my stories in notes on my ipod, i may not have any until then. Sorry. BUT! Since this now is my main form of entertainment other than youtube, i shall update as much as i can, it just depends on how well i can remeber that i just made that promise, my memory is terrible! So for now, bye bye!!!


@xigbae it's  fine really no need to apologize life does suck basically