
@JeremyShadaAndPewds if you ever need advice or want to collaborate on a story, you can inbox me :)


@JeremyShadaAndPewds aww thank you sooo much! That means way more to me than you will ever know. You're Ianthonys are great, just give them time. And don't give up! You're an amazing writer, and soon the whole world is going to know it! Some of the stories you write (even the ones you love) will fail. After my first story took off, I expected that would happen with all of my stories and it really didn't. I have some stories that I'm basically just writing because I want to :P but don't give up! It takes time to find the right thing that makes a good story a great one and I still have no idea what that is but I find myself getting closer with each sentence I write and every vote I get. Don't stop believing in your self! ("Don't Stop Believing" is now stuck in your head, you're welcome) You're an amazing writer. Thank you for the compliment and I'm sorry for the long message :P


;_; you're so nice. Thanks! And yes I do now have "Dont Stop Believing" stuck in my head.


Hey guys! So I just joined a new fandom!! I have entered the magical world of the Thorki(Thor and Loki) fandom. Yes I know that this is one of the worst fandoms(only closely rivaled by the Avengers fandom) don't judge me!! So while I tame my fangirl-y obsession with Loki and his hair(and the fact that he's a bad boy XD), I will be doing little to no writing for the next couple of weeks. Thanks guys! Please continue to read "I did something stupid" and let me know what you think about it!


Umm so you know, guys, I've been meaning to tell you how much you mean to me... I've gone through some tough times and sorted through some things and now I'm back and I know that no one understands me better than you guys so I'm really excited to be back. Please check out my update to "Finding Myself in You" and an update for "Zombie Uprisal" is coming soon...Thank you guys I couldn't have done it without you!