
I'm gonna try out the whole journal of writing prompts thing again to try and get back into writing. I published one part so far and it's just a random prompt I found online :)


Hey, friends! It's been a vv long time since I've posted anything on here. My motivation is at an all-time low right now, but I'm trying to get myself back into writing. So here's a couple of life updates:
          1. I finished my first semester of college in December 2016, and then wasn't able to register for Spring 2017, because UB wouldn't remove the holds from my account, even after I did what was necessary. So, I had to fill out a re-entry application and I swear to god if they don't let me register for classes again...
          2. I'm having gallbladder removal surgery sometime this summer (hopefully before Fall 2017 is supposed to start) and after that my motivation should skyrocket, because I won't feel nauseous all the time (it's been 2 years of constant nausea pls kill me).
          3. I think that might be everything for now. I thought I had more, but I live a v sad life.
          SO, with all that said, I'm definitely going to start writing again. I want to get a few chapters of a book typed out (idk which one or what idea yet) before I publish it on here, so what I might do in the meantime is another tumblr writing challenge thing and post those for now. They're easy, simple, and don't take much time, so my motivation won't make me stop in the middle, lmao. But yeah, I really hope to get back to writing on here soon.
          PS - I'm going for a Bachelor's in Computer Science, so if I do start going to classes again in the fall, then my posts will lag a little bc it's hard as hell


hey guys. long time no talk. i've gotten pretty far away from my "Open when..." idea. in fact, i've gotten so far away from it that at some point i'm going to completely rewrite what i've written. therefore, that won't be posted any time soon.
          as you may or may not have noticed, i've deleted my Ashton AU titled "Curveball". This has happened for a couple different reasons.
          1. i picture Calum as more of a catcher now, not Ashton, and this feeling has been reciprocated by my instagram followers (shameless self promo my insta is @broken.njh y'all should follow it)
          2. i don't like how i wrote it and i want to start over. i have a couple different ideas of how i can start it and where it can go from there, so i'm going to write a prologue for all of them and then see which one i like the best. once i figure it out i'm going to try to churn out 5-10 chapters, so i don't have to worry about keeping to a schedule right away.
          with that said, my second semester of college begins on monday and it's going to be crazy hectic, especially because i have to take the next part of my intro to comp sci class and i still barely understand java. therefore, i probably won't have an update schedule until finals are over in may.
          i want to thank any of you that still follow me and i can't wait to embark on another story with you.


So, I found a really good idea for a new book (well, kind of a book idrk what to call it) and I'm very excited to start writing it! Once I'm a little over halfway through I'll probably begin to post it. It's going to be called "Open When..." and it'll be a book of all letters from a husband to a wife. I'm super, super excited to start this and I've already got the first letter written. I can't wait to share this with you all!


I uploaded the last actual chapter of IBDYHM. There will be an epilogue, so technically this isn't the end, but damn does it feel like it. You all are the best for sticking with me, even through the hard times, and I love you all so much for it. Please read the chapter. It's short, but I think you'll love it. I'm going to try to make the epilogue longer, but I can't promise anything, as I'll probably cry writing it and I don't wanna cry too much (lol.) Thank you guys so much for keeping me motivated to write. I know you didn't do much, but knowing that people were reading my story helped an immense amount. Now, go read your heart out, because isn't that all what we're here to do? :')


I'm so sorry that I haven't posted (or even started) the last chapter of IBDYHM yet. This has been an interesting year for me bc I have a stomach problem (I had two, but antibiotics took care of one of them,) plus it's senior year, so I'm really busy in school. I'm going to try to get it out soon, but it's possible that I won't even get to writing it until March break in three weeks. I love you all dearly and thank you so so much for your support <3


Hey there guys! Happy New Year! Here's to a great 2016! I published the first part of Psycho (it'll def get a name, cover, and description revamp at some point lol) and it would make me very, very happy if you went and read it :) It's just the prologue so far, but more should come quickly (i hope...) I hope you enjoy it!