
Hey Lovlies!!
          	So I'm going to be trialing something...
          	As many of you know my mental health has not been in the best shape as of late and i have been pretty MIA
          	I do have some chapters ready to go and i have dabbled in adding some extra chapters in between previous ones in both Love in the lime light and Beauty and the freak that are a little more.... spicy...
          	(!!!Spolier!!!  including some self care from Eddie)
          	SO I will be giving access to these chapters to those who would like to through my Ko-Fi page for $2 AUD a month
          	I am just trialing this and not sure anyone will want to but id really like to find a way to make this passion of mine into a little bit of pocket money :) 
          	THERE IS ZERO OBLIGATION! please do not feel pressured and if you cant spare the money i understand, its hard times right now but i would love the support if you can <3 
          	Chapters will still be posted here and will be coming soon but i do have lots of behind the spicy scenes extras for both Eddie/Isla and Joseph/Billie
          	Love you all! 


Hey Lovlies!!
          So I'm going to be trialing something...
          As many of you know my mental health has not been in the best shape as of late and i have been pretty MIA
          I do have some chapters ready to go and i have dabbled in adding some extra chapters in between previous ones in both Love in the lime light and Beauty and the freak that are a little more.... spicy...
          (!!!Spolier!!!  including some self care from Eddie)
          SO I will be giving access to these chapters to those who would like to through my Ko-Fi page for $2 AUD a month
          I am just trialing this and not sure anyone will want to but id really like to find a way to make this passion of mine into a little bit of pocket money :) 
          THERE IS ZERO OBLIGATION! please do not feel pressured and if you cant spare the money i understand, its hard times right now but i would love the support if you can <3 
          Chapters will still be posted here and will be coming soon but i do have lots of behind the spicy scenes extras for both Eddie/Isla and Joseph/Billie
          Love you all! 


Sorry I've been so MIA guys, I'm slowly working on some new chapters that I will get out as soon as I can, just been really struggling with my mental health and needed some time to myself ❤


Take your time and take care of yourself we will all be here when your ready sending you lots of love and good vibes 


what time are u updating


@hihihi696996 updating later today! Literally just woke up as I fell asleep before I could edit  currently fighting off a chest infection so I've been slower than usual, sorry xx


UPDATE; im up to chapter 34, im tryingmy best to vote on all of the chapters aswell


you're a very good writer