DoN't bE SiLeNt ReaDeR pLeAsEee ;(
vOtE oR cOmMenT oR aNyThIng °^°
Btw I'm gonna continue tale something 2 kingdom story until I got 50 votes on my newest (?) chapter. Chapter 24? Or 23? Idk.
>>> 41 votes more to go!!!! <<<
P. S: I'm doing this for the story.
Oh YeAh GuyS!!!!!!!¡¡¡¡¡¡¡!!!
iT's bEeN oNe YeAr I sTartEd tHis wAttpAd pLuS tHe TaLe soMethiNg 2 KingDoM sToRy.
@hazelnut1801 she is actually beside me right now, she really excited to see it, oh and she's making a new book, but she doesn't want to spoil the title. ;p
@hazelnut1801 oh ok, i have recently made a regal academy book too just today the name is "Regal Academy: fairytale ever after" it's still newly made so there is still chapter one. :p