
like i said ik its a bit weird to get emotional over losing motivation for fanfiction writing, but i never told anyone i know i was writing these and it felt really good to just express myself without any judgement from the people around me. also danganronpa was a hugeee part of my teen years now, i was a fan sicne i was 13 (too young i know haha) and now im turning 18 soon so i guess this feels like a chapter of my "childhood" ending which is a really weird feeling. i would have loved to write plenty more stories, but i just dont want to and thats really sad, i always loved writing these so so much. but i probably should stop getting sad over it haha


like i said ik its a bit weird to get emotional over losing motivation for fanfiction writing, but i never told anyone i know i was writing these and it felt really good to just express myself without any judgement from the people around me. also danganronpa was a hugeee part of my teen years now, i was a fan sicne i was 13 (too young i know haha) and now im turning 18 soon so i guess this feels like a chapter of my "childhood" ending which is a really weird feeling. i would have loved to write plenty more stories, but i just dont want to and thats really sad, i always loved writing these so so much. but i probably should stop getting sad over it haha


Hey guys.Sorry for no updates, for soem reason i got logged out and couldnt log back in til now. Im sorry to say I wont be writing anymore. Ive lost all motivation and interest. ngl this is very sad for me, because i loved writing these stories so much. Maybe ill magically get motivation back soon, then ill write again, but i honestly dont think so. ik its a bit weird to get like emotional, but i really enjoyed these 4 years of writing and all the sweet feedback made me very happy. Thank you all so much for reading my stories!! man this makes me sad


Also I removed the butler story. I felt it wasn't right to discuss such an important subject that affects so many people in a danaganronpa fanfiction. I was in a pretty different state of mind when I wrote it and nobody told me I wrote it wrong or anything, but I don't think it should've posted it at all. If anyone felt hurt or not taken seriously because of that story, I am so sorry. I never got any negative feedback, only positive, but I just don't want it to be uploaded. Have a great day everyone I hope nobody minds this decision ^^


@ idiotictrashcan  but also if it made somebody feel seen or anything like that I'm sorry for taking it down. I just wanna be very careful with those topics and sometimes I didn't do that in the past (not in that story, I was very careful but there were some scenes in older stories that I didn't discuss properly with teruteru for example)


@ idiotictrashcan  I'm glad you loved it. I also think I did pretty well and I'm not deleting it because of how it was written or anything. I just don't feel right discussing that with a danganronpa fanficiton maybe that's just me, maybe I should've kept it up. But idk it just didn't feel right haha


I loved that story, I loved how seriously you handled the topic and it made me feel comfortable that you didn’t make it gross or anything 


Happy new year everyone!!
          This break is so much longer than expected and I'm rlly sorry. Thanks for being so patient with me guys I'm slowly writing and I'm hoping my motivation is slowly coming back idek why it left at all. Anyway like I said i might slowly be getting more motivated but I can't promise anything this is soooo annoying I swear cause I love writing these stories so much and I spent so long doing it every day and it was such a nice distraction and all. I hope you guys will still be interested to read them once I'm fully back!


Yall this is the worst writers block I've ever had and tbh I'm a little nervous I'm not going to wanna write fanfictions again like at all. I think it's best if I take a break for now so i don't  stress myself out with this. Sorry for the wait :(


@jrrrrrrrgrrrrr ntp, entendemos y no queremos sentirte presionada/o.
            te mereces un descanso!!


@jrrrrrrrgrrrrr Just take your time, you really need it! We'll be waiting


@ PlaceholderNameee  ty for understanding!!


Updates might take a bit longer, I'm having writers block ToT


@ idiotictrashcan  thank God I'm not alone haha


Real(I’ve had writers block for so long it’s not even funny by this point lmao!)


I wanna write something scaryyyy, like 2 years ago I wrote this "horror" one-shot where souda was like a scary jealous best friend but tbh I don't know if anyone cares for scary fanfictions when the game it's based on isn't even horror. And I don't wanna start a third story anyway haha I guess that's that


@ idiotictrashcan  didn't mean for my reply to sound rude


@ idiotictrashcan  okay omg i didn't think anyone would like it but alright!thx for the feedback

