
So I'm working on some WIPs right now, but I've been playing a lot of Stardew Valley in between and was wondering if there would be any potential interest in a Stardew fanfic?


I forgot how nice it is to just sit down and word vomit. No pressure to make corrections or have a plan or adjust anything— just putting words on paper and watching it all come to life. You start, then it's 10 minutes later and you've suddenly got 500 words, and it makes the daunting task of writing a whole chapter feel a lot less scary.


            The feeling is real ❤️


Guys, I am going THROUGH it right now. I NEED it to be summer so bad. Normally, I love winter because there's snow, but so far this season, we've gotten maybe two or three inches where I'm at, and that's supposed to be the payoff for how cold it is. "You can't feel your face, but the snow is pretty." But NO! No snow here! Just sub-zero temperatures and everything looking perpetually drab and dreary in various shades of grey and brown. I've been consuming every piece of summer-related media I can find just to live vicariously through characters at the beach and in tank-tops and shorts. I've found that if I stare at a picture of the sun long enough, I can almost convince myself that I can feel the warmth on my face.


Turned 21 yesterday! Didn't really do much or go all out partying, but I can now legally buy my own alcohol to get sloshed on while writing, so cheers to that!


            Happy 21st bday!! Sending you lots of love and success for your 20s ❤️


happy belated love !! 


Posting a new apply fic soon! I'm begging, please read it guys don't let it flop T^T this is the only way I know how to make a comeback to wattpad


@-DaydreamAvenue thank you babes!! <3<3<3


            You know me, I’ll be down to support and apply ❤️


I've been really lacking the motivation to write recently, but I've been getting heavily back into Baldur's Gate 3 and Dungeons & Dragons in general, so I've been thinking about exploring that. Would anyone be interested in participating if I went through with this?


For added context, there are sooo many pre-written campaign modules that provide the foundations of a story (as they're intended to do), and the pre-existing world would save so much time on writing lore and history. It would be sooo easy to use one as the premise for a novel, but there's still so much freedom to take away and add things as needed.