
Hey everyone! Sorry for the absence. I took a break because I was kind of burnt out and had some writers block. And now at the end of Jan have decided to move out of my current place. So I’ve been busy apartment hunting and cleaning and packing up my current apartment. Super stressed out. I move the end of this month so I’ll probably start writing again after I get settled in.


Hey everyone! Sorry for the absence. I took a break because I was kind of burnt out and had some writers block. And now at the end of Jan have decided to move out of my current place. So I’ve been busy apartment hunting and cleaning and packing up my current apartment. Super stressed out. I move the end of this month so I’ll probably start writing again after I get settled in.


Happy new year! 
          I'm basically trying to get The Devil's Court edited and get chapters up. There's still a lot to edit. I got a few chapters done for Bondage and Blood and I'm a bit stuck on the new chapter.
          Maybe I shouldn't be editing after drinking champaign lol


Happy holidays everyone! 
          I am still working on BB but it's caught up rn. I'm struggling a little bit with it. I need to also edit more and get more chapters up for The Devil's Court. And then...I was bad and started writing a little story for Rydel and Haera because I've come to grow fond of these characters for some reason. But I promise BB is still being worked on.
          Idk if I'll end up posting what ever I write for them but I might. Not sure if any one would be interested in them. Basically it's just about their life before they met Astarion in Bondage and Blood.


Ahhh I think I only have about 2 more chapters worth for Bondage and Blood before it's caught up to what I've written. T.T
          I've been working on it but I've been really focused on getting it edited and posted. I took a break from The Demon's Court. I should change the name...because they're actually devils. There's a difference between devils and demons in dnd/baldur's gate and I did not know this. And now I was thinking about it. Fugg. So I'm going to update that name or it's going to bother me.
          Any way, The Demon's Court I have tons written so I took a break from it because I have lots to edit and post and I'm kind of stuck where it's currently at. I'm deciding where I want to go next with it story wise. Sooo....


Omg I thought my lap top almost died and I was very sad. Any way...
          I'm working on Bondage and Blood again as the new fic The Demon's Court. I'll probably be posting weekly/daily for the time being having lots of free time to do so. Getting ready to move next month so I might not have the time to post any thing for a few weeks while I move and unpack into the new apartment but we'll see.


Okay sorry I disappeared again. I been busy and writers block. T.T
          I am currently working on a BG3 fic, but not Bondage and Blood rn. I had a random idea out of the blue and it just took off. Idk even how many chapters I have done but that one will be posted and maybe on the side I'll work on Bondage and Blood.
          I had a good first chapter with that one and then I've just been stuck on it. I was going to post this new on fanfiction.net but I may not because I want to go more mature themed with it. Not pornographic but I like to do a bit of blood, gore, and get a bit spicy.
          I have more time to work on writing now. And idk when I'll ever get to finish Betrothed to Darkness because everything I've written is on my dead pc rn and figuring out how to retrieve it so I'm really upset about it. But I'm sure I've said this already so don't mind me.


So I've had a lot going on and needed to take a break from writing. BTD still needs to be edited but it is finished. I'm upset because I went to get on that pc that has all my writing on it and it's not working. I'm using a new lap top now. I wanted to work on editing and hopefully finish it. I'm pretty upset because I don't know when I might be able to get it fixed. I'm sure it's backed up some where but I just have to figure things out.
          In the mean time I want to work on some writing so I might start on my fan fics. I haven't written any since I was a teenager but I have a few good ideas I really want to work on. 
          So I temporarily took BTD down for now.


Okay! Working on a chapter, trying to get at least one up this week. Been busy and needed a little break tbh. BTD is pretty close to being done but I'm stretching the chapters out a bit so it's taking me longer to edit.


I probably won't be posting any chapters this week if at all because I'm working two jobs. I'm finishing my old job and training for my new one so some days I'm working 12 hours for both jobs. Or working one job on my off days. I'll try. But should be back to normal next week.