
mini notification:
          	i have left my phone at school during my rehearsal and my phone bill hasn't been paid. to add onto that, i literally haven't been sleeping just to keep up with my assignments. i have to make this clear to everyone; these are the reasons why my pms have been delayed. some of you don't understand that i don't have time to message everyone. no, i don't choose between who has the most interesting convo or not, i just go by who's at the top of my messages. and i know this is making some of you upset or making you feel as if i don't care about you, but that's not true. stop being so damn paranoid and have patience. when i have the time, i will pm you back. if you can't wait, then you are not worthy of my friendship. xx


mini notification:
          i have left my phone at school during my rehearsal and my phone bill hasn't been paid. to add onto that, i literally haven't been sleeping just to keep up with my assignments. i have to make this clear to everyone; these are the reasons why my pms have been delayed. some of you don't understand that i don't have time to message everyone. no, i don't choose between who has the most interesting convo or not, i just go by who's at the top of my messages. and i know this is making some of you upset or making you feel as if i don't care about you, but that's not true. stop being so damn paranoid and have patience. when i have the time, i will pm you back. if you can't wait, then you are not worthy of my friendship. xx


ranting hour;
          yes, i flirt. yes, i touch. that does not mean i like you. it's just the way i am. everyone who knows me, knows that's my personality. it's the way i get comfortable with people.
          if you're looking for something more, then i'm not the one. for once in your lives, stop looking for relationships and look for friendships. and no offense, but i'm not fond of those accounts who say, "DON'T TALK TO A CHARACTER IF THEY'RE TAKEN."
          bitch, i will talk to anyone i like. you act like i'm trying to break you away from your lover. if your partner actually trusts you, then they don't have to worry about you cheating. you have the decision on whether or not you're going to cheat.
          at the end of the day, i'm looking for a friend, not a partner. i already have one.