
@lesliedelrey I think this would be a great idea mija 


@Hinata_ninja123 well first of all I am SORRY THAT I DIDN'T RESPONDE SOON BUT IT IS BECAUSE MY SISTER DIDN'T LET ME USE THE COMPUTER SO I BLAME HER>>>>>> so my summer is fine but I miss you guys so much that all I do is talk about you and the others and my sister is getting annoyed because that is all I talk about :( SOOO what is that I hear Evelny actally likes dress shopping. ok don't be sad but I have been Depressed because my sister could bring her friends over to our apartment but I can't because i had bad grades so yeah it is my falt that we can't see each other at all so you can say I have been lonely and sad this summer again. well nothing funny happened to me right now so I really don't know what to say but to say that I miss all of you nguys a lot and I have been trying not to have any tears at all lol. once we get back to school I will need to get a hug from all you guys (even thought I really don't hug you guys but I miss you a lot and the others). so do you still roleplay with jewel ha what happened to the whole garra thing did she stop or did she keeped on going? OoO I wouyld like to see that pic you are talking about and I can't wait to see it. How did the wedding of Jewel and Ben came out I wonder??? OoO who is this cliff guy I hear about you are saying are you getting married to him and if you are I thought you said Garra is your one and only but I am happy for you??? also why was Jewel sending pics of pandas to you i know you like pandas but why and were you fangirling when she send them to you???? OoO I am happy that you have animals that are fake that are your friend, at least you have animals lol. Last this say Hiiii to everyone for my thanks alot.. I think I wrote alot sooo yeah lol JA NE... (thanks for being my best friend and being there for me) P.S: have you read that latest naruto manga??? miss you guys a BUNCH, can't wait to see you guys again... that is all JA NE that is all for now :P-------(to be continued)....>/////<


And now... To rewrite my previous response! Hiya Kessho-chan! It's okay. You can take as long as you want to respond, I don't mind. :) Lol, same thing is happening here. My family is getting annoyed because I go on and on and on about you guys. Mostly my brother. :) Don't be so sad and depressed! It isn't your fault! It's the teacher's fault for not teaching well! Don't worry! If you want, I'll help you next year! I promise! We all miss you! You better bring a body guard on the first day of school, 'cause you'll need protection from all the bear hugs you'll get! >:3 Yup, I still roleplay with Jewel. (Yes, she did go farther. Apparently Gaara-kun and I are dating. >\\\<) Jewel and Ben's wedding went great. She told me to tell ya that. :) Cliff isn't anything to me. Gaara-kun IS my one and only. I was fangirling over the pandas because I imagined them as Gaara. Yup, I have a bad case of Gaarxia. ^_^ Even my mom says I'm in love with him. Guess what?!?! I got a Gaara bag!!! I fangirled for it, so my mom HAD to get me it. The women who sold it for us was laughing at my fangirlness. Eh, the animals may be my 'friends' but you guys are my only true friends. ^_^ Everyone says hi back. I should be saying thanks to you. You guys really changed my life. :) Yup, I've read the latest Naruto manga. My favorite is 682. Kessho-chan... Your future husband Naru-kun is too unpredictable. Oh, and before I go... Hang in there!!! There's just one more month left! We are ninja! And ninja endure! Like Jiraiya says, I quote, "You're wrong, that's not what makes a shinobi. You never did get it, a real ninja is one who endures no matter what gets thrown at him… Let me explain something to you, there is only one thing that matters if you are a shinobi, and it isn't the number of techniques you possess. All you do need, is the guts to never give up." So don't give up yet Judy! Hang in there and endure like a true ninja! Ja ne!


Nyan, ello! How have ya been? Good? Happy? Bored? Depressed? I gotz to know! I've gotten so bored that my one of my only entertainments is a farming roleplay game where you have to marry a guy. -_-' I've sunk so low... T_T It's not fun without you guys.... Ne, did you know Tori-chan went dress shopping and she said she kinda liked it? O_O Everyone including her have been saying this: 'What is happening to her?!' Anyways, I found this cute Kushina and the Naruto girls picture and saved it to show it to you when school starts. Wow, I am really bored if I'm making letter instead of a quick message... -_-'||| Lol. HELP! I'm just gonna start talking about something random now. In the game I was talking about earlier I got 4 chickens!!! :D I also have a doggy (Yay! ^_^), a horse (I named it Gaara. Ima feed him carrots! >:3), a cow (MooMoo-chan who doesn't want to give me milk. D':), and a sheep (Mari who gets sick a lot and makes me pay the medical bills... ^_^') Lol, even if their not real I love 'em and will cry if they get sick. The guy who I chose as a possible guy to marry is named Cliff. Weird name I know... Maybe he got it because he jumped off a cliff or something but meh. *shrugs* Gaara-kun is my one and only! Oh, Jueru-chan sent me a message. It's a picture with a bunch of pandas. ^_^ I imagined them all the be Gaara-kun, lol. She told me to tell you that she says 'hi' and 'how are you doing?' Now she left to eat Thai food with her bro... ^_^' lol. Lol, I'm saying Lol a lot. I should probably leave ya be for now... *sweatdrops* Wow... I wrote a lot... Ne, respond soon! Ja ne!