
Désolé pour toute cette attente xxx


@emily___grace___01 "Listen, I'm as sad as you all are. Zayn leaved the band for his reasons and it broke my heart to hear this last night. 
          But I know Zayn wouldn't have wanted us to stop believing. Keeps believing guys, don't stop your life at a stop, push on the pedal and continue. I'm not telling that you shouldn't mourn yourself or be sad. You can be, and so can I, but be sad and continue to live. Yesterday was a big announcement for all of us but we need to support Harry, Liam, Louis, Niall and all the others Directioners, including us. 
          Even if Zayn isn't in the band anymore, the group's still called 'One Direction' and don't tell me the opposite. Yeah, there's only Harry, Liam, Louis and Niall, but the silhouette, the halo, the heart, the passion of Zayn are still living within us, within the group, on the stage, all around the world.
          People have been too far from now. Rumors keep to be spread and it shouldn't. Fake Directioners did too much, we need to repare and to support ourselves together. 
          It may be hard to write about him right now, but it will get easier. Don't stop including him in fanfic, even if he's just a close friend of the band in your story, it works. Zayn will always be present in our heart. Don't try to 'delete' the love you feel for him. Don't try to erase him from history. Just continue to write as if he was still there. 
          The world keeps turning around, bad news will still keep smashing our faces, but he will always be on Earth, he will always be in our heart, he will always be in the band."