
This update is trash 


Guys, please stay woke the next 4 years will be tough. Sadly we had more Trump supporters then we thought we did and somehow this venomous snake has entered our white house. We have as the US come absolutely too far for such a man to go into office just to put us back in ways we won't believe. What I do give this man props for is for not changing his ways. He's always been a terrible person and the fact that he never changed and still won is an example to never change who you are it works out somehow. However, everything happens for a reason god doesn't make mistakes so Donald 'make america great again' although we were great and I already see the world crashing as the stocks are falling tremendously I hold you to it. Sadly we have such a terrible man as president please stay on your toes these next 4 years #kanyeforpresident2020 lol