Some of us girls aren't looking for more attention when we deny being pretty, or skinny, & stuff like that.. Some of us truly do believe that we are not pretty, or skinny. No, we may not be what you would call 'fat', but WE are the ones who compare ourselves to other girls with flatter stomach's. We are the one's who notice we may have larger thighs than other girls. We are the ones who see guys drooling over the anorexic looking girls on the cover of magazines, so of course we wanna be skinnier & prettier, no guy wants us the way we are, naturally. Every where we turn, there's always a girl who is prettier & skinnier than us. Little things that other people don't notice.. we do.. because WE see the little flaws, the imperfections that other girls don't have. WE are the ones who notice how our hair just doesn't look how we want it to. WE are the ones who see our self without makeup. WE are the one's who stand in the mirror looking at our body, thinking of how much better it could look. We are the one's who try so hard, everyday, to impress. Yeah, we may upload pictures of ourselves, but hey, we all feel pretty sometime, right? But I can guarantee you, most of us check every little bit of that picture to make sure our flaws are somewhat hidden, before uploading it, because of the heffer's who like to point out our flaws to us. Yes, people compliment us, but sometimes we just feel like we're being lied to. Why? Because there is ALWAYS someone who looks better than us, & we're reminded of that everyday. REPOST IF YOU THINK EVERYBODY IS BEAUTIFUL<333"