
@MissJBlack cooool :) 


Wie heeft het origineel van Colors geschreven?


geen idee tbh, het is origineel een fanfic van glee die ik ergens op tumblr heb gevonden via een of ander gek tumblr acc?? hahaha sorry echt slecht maar er stonden helemaal geen credits ofzo bij en ik heb het account nog een bericht gestuurd maar daar heb ik nooit meer iets op gehoord... (sorry voor de late reactie) 


Never i have ever been completely blown away by a story.... until i effin read Color. It literally sticks to my mind. with this story, everything just got real. like it taught me to value life. (and to love camren more) (and to believe in them)Thank you for creating such a wonderful story. The plot is agonizingly beautiful and captiviting, not to mention, unique. i have no words to describe how raw my emotions were when im reading this. Again, thank you and continue writing stories like this. 


Thank you so so much, but I didn't write the story, I just converted it because I thought it would be a good fit :) but I'm happy to make you love camren more and to give you the opportunity to read it ☺️


I just read that you didn't write COLOR but I love you still because you felt the need to put it on wattpad and just for that I simply adore you! ♥♥♥


@IAmOnABinge98 you're welcome:) just keep em' coming... The books I mean... I don't know why I said that... *bags face*


Aw thanks, that's really really sweet of you 


It's not even funny how Color messed me up and had me bawling my eyes out and crying like a river stream or something.. U wrote a really good and emotional book.. Well done 


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@Adaxxx I second this! I literally had tears running down my face, not the 'crying in a corner' type of tears, real hardcore sobbing, my mother had to ask me if was ok... when Lauren was in a coma and she could hear all the outside voices! that fucked me up in the worst way! @juliaaxx I hate you... but I also love you so much you don't even understand! I literally just finished COLOR added it to my reading list and then came here to tell you how awesome you and your book are! just, oh my gosh! I love you!


Aww thank you so much ☺️ I haven't written the book though, so I can't take any credit... 