"Patricias POV
Me: aww heck to the naw! I'm not about to go into some store just before closing and accuse the clerk of kidnapping my boyfriend!
Fabina: Huh?
Me: I'll explain later!
I walked into the store.
Clerk: hi I'm zack! I've been expecting the Anubis girl Patricia! I wasn't sure if you'd show up! That would've been unfortunate cause I don't work here I just snuck in to play clerk for a day and give you your clue. But first buy $100 worth of stuff for your clue buying only 2 items or less! Good luck!
I walked over to a shelf and picked a rare delicious fruit worth $100 exactly.
Me: can I borrow $200?
Clerk: I only have $100.
Me: okay so I owe you $100 and you owe me $100 thanks bye!
I grabbed the fruit and ran off. I looked at the receipt and saw a clue attached.
Me: so Chris what do ya think?
Chris: I love it and KT will love me!
Me: hmm are you sure she doesn't already
I had the urge the slap my hand over my mouth but that would've made it seem like I knew it and it wasn't just a theory. Wait a thought occurred to me didn't Chris say something about Victors plans earlier?! What had he meant?
Chris: do you think she does?
Me: maybe but stop calling me a goddess especially around KT and Fabes and go forth with your romantic gesture and she'll be yours by morning!
Fabian: especially the part about calling my girl a goddess!
I turned around and saw him in the doorway. I love how cute and protective he is when he's jealous!
Me: come here Fabes you know I only have eyes for you!
I said pulling him into a hug.
Me: I love you!
Fabian: I love you too my darling! Sorry I know I just get jealous!
Me: I don't mind, you're cute when you're jealous!
I smiled at him.
Me: why aren't you with Patricia?
Fabian: oh we left right after you. She went to your room to study the clue.
He said that last bit in a whisper cause Chris was here.
Me: k I'll see you later Fabes!..." http://wattpad.com/story/4736841