Hey guys! I hope you all are staying well, if you do not already know, my current projects are on a pause due to my health. I don’t know if you guys care enough for a health update, but I’m going to post one just in case.
So, I kinda of? Have COVID, by kinda I mean all of my tests have came back negative but all of my doctors are certain I have it, so they have diagnosed me with corona. They are worried because I have UC and with the medicine I take it weakens my immune system; so they are not fully sure as to what is happening with my body.
Before I caught COVID we were having problems with my health already, such as trying to find out what other issues I have other than UC. So, this is all just a health mess that we are just trying to fix.
I apologize once again for pausing all of my books, but I currently can’t do anything outside of schoolwork, mentally and physically.
I hope you all stay safe and I love you all so much!!