@DanceInTheRaiin Oh yummyyyy!!!
Oh my god, damn shopkeeper, ruining fun!
I would have been like fiine have it back and spit it out all chewed up. xD
Ohwell, they'll get over it. I looooove red liqourice it's soo good!
@DanceInTheRaiin I KNOW RIGHT. It seems like a century! Hahah, I read that in a ghetto voice. Anyways, I've been pretty great! I'm sitting here with a pot of Nutella so things can't get much better. :P What about you?! :D
@DanceInTheRaiin Awwww, sounds like we're in the same situation. WHYYY DOES THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN. Why can't guys be simple! This is totally hawkward for both of us! EEEP. Least we have each other. ;D
@DanceInTheRaiin I only have to wait another 2 years!
Uuuugh. I don't know what to do, because he's so sweet but he's like 4 years older than me! asdfghjkl