
@yellow_13 HEHEHEHE YEAH AGREED! HAHAHA me too :s but I dont really fancy writing them :s HAHAHAHHAHA


You're welcome Julia!!! And HUNGER GAMES FOREVER!!!!!!!! The movie's not as nice as the book though... And I'm pretty sure you asked me to read the other one... Just letting you know, I love werevolve stories, theyre CUTEEEEEEEEE~ but i still love edward though. He's so romantic *dreamy look*


@yellow_13 HAHA harro Michelle :D haha hunger games ftw ;p I did ask you to read Summer Falls ;D maybe you got it mixed up haha. personally, I feel like i wrote Summer Falls better because its the latest one and yeaaaah :B haha its alright! i dont mind long msgs :3 and thanks for all the feedback Michelle, really appreciate ittttt! c: course you are ;p (Y)


Hey Julia! I'm Michelle. Don't bother looking, I didn't post anything. Kind of selfish I suppose. Btw, nice profile pic. I'm starting to read Summer Falls. I know its not the one you asked me to read, but the plot sounds *interesting* . (waggling eyebrows). Sorry its a long message, but you know, once I start writing (esp. a note to sb) I can't stop. Yeah, I'm awesome that way. ;)