
Um... what if it is...
          I know you guys don't think it is... but what if...
          I have my doubts I have trust issues but if it is you guys will be so embarrassed when he says its him.
          Julian2 may just use this website as a form of connection with friends... that's what I do.
          Although I also use this website as a story writing website to show my stories and let people enjoy them for the time being. : 3
          Please everybody stop saying " oh its not julian2, this guys a fake" or "no longer following, this guy is a fake". That is a form of bullying and I'm sure you and everyone around you don't want to be a bully or know one.
          In fact I would like everybody that commented anything like: "Not Jullian2" or "This guy's a fake" or "No longer following" (especially the last one) to say sorry by following this person and if you don't want to do that... then just comment saying sorry...
          You guys may not have meant this but you have probably caused this boy/girl a lot of trouble emotionally. Maybe even caused him to break down and hurt himself/herself. Even if this didn't happen please still say sorry. I and I'm sure this user will appreciate that.


Please make sure you mean the apology... Remember this is a form of bullying