
Hold up I go off of this app for a few months still updated everything cause its upgraded and i go to my library and damn wattpad really did update like all the books i thought got lost in the app or deleted (since there were to many trust me it's still loading more and i have over 2,100 books in my library currently) are now loaded and still in my library so now i really do know that wattpad actually upgraded a lot from previous versions still salty about the logo but what can i do either way as long as i can do what i can on this app then we good


Hold up I go off of this app for a few months still updated everything cause its upgraded and i go to my library and damn wattpad really did update like all the books i thought got lost in the app or deleted (since there were to many trust me it's still loading more and i have over 2,100 books in my library currently) are now loaded and still in my library so now i really do know that wattpad actually upgraded a lot from previous versions still salty about the logo but what can i do either way as long as i can do what i can on this app then we good


*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ a message from me to you:
          love is endless, love is patient, 
          love is free, love is blind. above 
          all else, love is merciful and kind.
          when you are alone, and there's 
          no one to find. please remember that 
          you are loved. the path of your life is 
          still being made, your trail is still being 
          set. your hands will be dry as the heat from 
          the sun and often your feet will be wet.
          alone you will work towards a goal not 
          known yet. in this time remember that 
          you are loved. and people will trip you 
          just to get ahead, you know of no one you 
          can trust. often it feels like your heart 
          and your soul do nothing but gather 
          some dust. overwhelmed you'll feel 
          small as a speck in a gust. never forget that you are loved. the hurt will not own 
          you, you're stronger than that, you know this much to be true. in the end you'll look 
          back at the things you have made and old 
          will again be made new. you are greater 
          than you can ever believe, if only 
          you could see what you'll do.
          one day, you'll know you are loved.
          ( ― anonymous )


So um update:
          1st of all I'm so sorry for not updating any of my book I'm still writing but I had my exams, then I took a summer break to relax and not force my self to overwork myself and fry my brain cuz that's not healthy for me....
          2nd I'm about to go to school in a week and 4 days and I'm going to get my schedule and locker stuff for school and I'm pretty sure that all of my classes are JCC (aka college courses) since all my teachers recommended them to me so....there goes my brain
          3rd my junior year will possibly that most busiest I'll ever be and I have to apply for colleges I have a couple in mind b uh t I'm not so sure about the cost to fingers crossed
          Thanks for reading until the end love you all and I hope I get the encouragement to update a chapter soon


It's really funny seeing many r5 pages that I followed for quite sometime later transform their liking into bts or kpop in general...but I mean can i blame them...not really but am I STILL INTO R5? To answer that yes i still have an overly obsessive passionly support and love for them...or wait correction it's The Driver Era now but still 10yrs of them being a band and 10yrs of me supporting when no one even bothered to listen to them. Although I haven't been there for bts since the beginning because I was a young girl I didn't know much about the music that asian countries had. I didn't know much about Asia in general but I was always fascinated by it since I was just a baby...no literally my birthing doctor was a Japanese man not sure if he's even in my town, moved, or in the other world....but yea I've become a fan of 7 boys who are way out of my league tbfh but I was able to quickly learn more about them in a month than anyone else could've...creepy ik I am but that how intrested i was. I was proud to be able to support them long enough before they officially became a big thing in the western side of the world and honestly u couldn't have been any prouder and it really makes me wonder what else would I have been able to find long before gangnam style by psy was even big over here growing up. What would I have learned from if my town had any asian kids my age for me to befriend them but learn more along the way and have them trust you and not think that its bc of some boy band that you're treating them like that but honestly I can't wait to see what else of opportunities in the music industry that may come along in really starting to see hope and a difference between growing up and today's music and I can't wait to see what else happens


I don't understand as to why everyone that I actually get along really well are all leaving me this year...I guess as the year is close to an end....I can officially say that this year was shitty...if the most trusted person really leaves me and never comes back I'm really about to shut myself out and never ever let anyone back in