I'm glad everyone has been enjoying the latest chapter of Through the North! I was really looking forward to finally reaching this point! This is the end of Part 1 of the book. And I'm genuinely sorry to announce that there's going to be a bit of a wait for Part 2. Unfortunately I didn't get as much writing done in Jan/Feb as I wanted, and so I don't have very many chapters ready to go. I like to be further ahead so that none of my chapter suffer from being rushed. Therefore, I've decided that despite the huge cliffhanger, this is the best point to take a break. I'm hopeful that I'll be able to start up Part 2 (The Lakes) in April! This does give anyone who hasn't yet, but would like to read the Wanderlust Trilogy spoiler-free a chance to do so! Moving forward in TtN there will be some spoilers. Nothing huge, but things like certain side character who are or aren't still around. Again, I'm sorry for taking a break but I appreciate everyone's patience! The boys (all four of them!) will be back soon!

@juliecotewriter Haha maybe even we get another wave of COVID so bad that everything is locked down again... though I suppose I shouldn't hope for that XD I think catching up on this story at least will be doable, though! <3

@spelunkadunk - OMGosh!! If you’ve not read the Wanderlust series, you so need to!! They are amazing!!