Why do people hate us Catholics? What did we do to hate them so? Did we knowingly persecute them? Please don't judge us because of what one person says or believes or does... That's not nice... -A hurting Catholic high schooler
Why do people hate us Catholics? What did we do to hate them so? Did we knowingly persecute them? Please don't judge us because of what one person says or believes or does... That's not nice... -A hurting Catholic high schooler
Why do people hate us Catholics? What did we do to them? Have we persecuted them, knowingly? A single person's opinion is their own. But please don't judge us based on them.., :(
Hi there! First of all thank you for all the votes you've given The Pirate's Lady! :) and secondly, yaay! Another follower! :P hope you enjoy my stories! ~Shreya