
Happy Saturday. Most of my Wattpad works are now removed and the others will follow suit shortly. For those reading True Love's Ghost, it is available on Radish as 'Ghost Boyfriend'. Much love, Juliet xxx


I loved your True Loves Ghost so much that I can't count how much I've read it. It's one of my favourite books here. 
          I wanted to read it again but didn't notice it wasn't available. I'll definitely read it on Radish (:


@_MysteriousFlower_  Thank you so much! I'm so happy you still enjoy it. :)


My daughter bought me True Loves Ghost for Christmas bc I told her how much I loved reading it here. I’m so happy to have my very own copy of it. It’s a really amazing book!! ♥️♥️


@The_Reading_Ginger oh wow! thank you for this message. I'm so pleased that it's still being read and loved. :)


I will shortly be leaving Wattpad. True Love's Ghost will still be available on kindle and on Radish but those reading should know it won't be up for much longer. The early drafts of DTU etc will also come down. The published versions are available on kindle and other platforms. I've made some great friends here who I wish all the very best and been privvy to a host of wonderful readers. Thank you all so much for your support. I will leave my profile up for a while so that I can be contacted if necessary.  :)


@chabir Hello, I've removed my works because they are constantly taken from here and posted elsewhere without my permission. Wattpad have no interest in this and it happens to so many authors too. You can read them elsewhere however.


@julietlyons Hello , would you mind if I asked why are you leaving? 


@julietlyons please give a heads up when you’re about to remove them


I love yours books its amazing especially the true ghost lovers 


Awww no problem your a excellent writer id rate that book so far 10/10 trust me on that.


@NeelofarNeelofar Thank you! That's nice of you to say :)


Hi, are u still writing? I remember the time I became obsessed with True Love's Ghost XD
          I keep imagining with it, and it was in the year 2017... Or was it 2018? Not sure anymore HAHA. Hope you still write stories like that.
          Your fan, from the Philippines!!!


@Itsjhelaaaa Hello, thanks so much!! Not writing at the moment but I will be one day. So glad you liked it so much :)