

Going to be editing a lot of the next week or so, please bear with me! And I can't update at the moment because the next chapter is saved on my iPod and the wifi doesn't work on it so I can't post or edit the chapter :( I'll try my best.  Check the authors note for more info


FINALLY updated! I'm so sorry it's been so long! Please read it and tell me what you think :) it's a different POV ;) I've got some stuff to tell you so ill make a bigger post in a sec so you can read that if you like <3 xx


sorry i havent updated in so long! i've been super busy with my weekend travelling, homework and i'm super tired so just bear with me.  the next chapter is about half written and i'm aiming to have it up tonight so fingers crossed :o what do you guys think of it so far? xxxx