
To the 64 followers that see this. I’m back with a new story. Please enjoy, it’s called I’m Not The Bad Guy. 


Who want's to hear a story? Now, I know you're going to skip over this because let's be honest. No one cares. But, I'm still going to post it because I want too. So, there was a girl who lived a life. A up and down life. A dark and bright life. Average, right? But as the girl lived her hilly life, she want her hilly life to be know. More preferably a legend. So, to do that she accepted that her life sucked and spoke. What happened in her life? The world has yet to find out.


Most people don't run for what the want at first. They walk. They walk because when you run on thin ice you bound to drown. But even if you make to the other side there's no doubt you missed something. Writing isn't about views, votes, or comments. And if you're in the race to the top, you'll find yourself writing the generic stuff. You won't be writing about anything important because you missed your experience, while running on the ice. Writing must be down with your experience, not with the experience of others. Don't just write to write. Write to experience.